
Living our Faith - Service

Middle School Service Project

Living our faith by serving others

"The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’ "- Matthew 25:40

As Christians we are called to serve those in need each and every day. To help us keep this spirit of service alive in our hearts, students are required to perform at least one act of service for family, school, parish, and community this year. In total, students are required to serve at least
10 hours.

Classroom Service Projects

Working together to help those in need

At St. Joseph Catholic School we live out our faith through service.  Each classroom takes on a service project every year.  These service projects provide us the opportunity to reach out to those in our school, parish and greater community!   Our service projects include:

  • K4:  Community Helpers
  • K5:  Community Helpers
  • 1st Grade: Care Age - Rosary with Residents, play games, community service
  • 2nd Grade: Care Age - Rosary with Residents, play games, community service
  • 3rd Grade: Cereal Drive for TosaCares (with 6th grade buddies)
  • 4th Grade:  Ronald McDonald House - Pop Tabs
  • 5th Grade:  Ronald McDonald House - Pop Tabs
  • 6th Grade:  Cereal Drive for TosaCares (with 3rd grade buddies)
  • 7th Grade: HAWS/Animal Drive
  • 8th Grade:  All School Carnival with proceeds benefiting St. Ben's
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