Safeguarding God's Children

Safeguarding God's Children

Volunteer Registration

policy of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee

It is the policy of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee that all parishes are compliant with the Safe Environment Policy of the Archdiocese. All volunteers that have any possibility of interaction with children and/or youth are required to:

  • Read the parish’s Safe Environment Handbook.
  • Complete the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Safe Environment Training.
  • Read and accept the Code of Ethical Standards for Leaders statement.

The Safe Environment training and the Code of Ethical Standards form only need to be completed once. Background checks must be conducted every five years.

All training, online forms, and background check must be completed and verified before the first interaction between volunteers and students can occur.

To register for the training session and complete the necessary online forms, please visit   

To review the Safeguarding process, click on the blue download instructions button. After reviewing the information, please click on the blue register button here.

When you are registering, please use the following information: our organization is “Milwaukee –Archdiocese of”. Our location is St. Joseph-Wauwatosa. The role is “volunteer”.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Julie McKendry at the parish office at 414-771-4626 .

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