Enrollment WPCP/MPCP

Enrollment for Milwaukee & Wisconsin Parental Choice Programs Choice Program - Click Here to Apply Now

St. Joseph Catholic School participates in the State of Wisconsin tuition assistance programs called Private School Choice Programs. These programs allow families who meet the household income requirements to attend St. Joseph Catholic School for free. Interested families must complete an online application through the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) along with their verification of current income level and residency. 

Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP):

The Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP) offers tuition assistance through the State of Wisconsin for Milwaukee residents. To qualify for this program you must live in the City of Milwaukee and you must meet the income requirements.

Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP):

The Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP) is for students who live outside the city of Milwaukee.  To qualify for this program you must reside in Wisconsin but outside the city of Milwaukee and the Racine Unified School District.

Open Application Periods for MPCP and WPCP- 1st – 20th of each Month.

February, March, and April


After completing the application online, any required documentation needs to be provided to the school before the end of the application period. Please bring to the school office or e-mail documents to multhaufc@stjosephschooltosa.com. DPI will list those required documents in the confirmation email you receive from them.

RESIDENCY DOCUMENT – Current (dated within 3 months of application date) electric (WE Energies Bill), water, gas, cable, satellite, landline phone bill, paystub, 2024 W-2, or government correspondence such as Food Share. The address on the residency documentation and name on the application need to match EXACTLY.

INCOME DOCUMENTATION – Families new to the Choice program will also need to submit income documentation. This also must be submitted before the deadline.

At the end of the Open Enrollment Period, you will receive a letter from St. Joseph Catholic School stating if you have received a seat, have a spot on the wait list, or have been denied a seat along with the reason for that denial.


Please contact Chris Multhauf with any questions regarding the process of if you would be interested in scheduling a tour of the school at

414-771-5577 x120 or multhaufc@stjosephschooltosa.com

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